What’s the opposite of profit? Well in my case, it’s having 1shoppingcart go down once again… which means that most of my transactions cannot go through. It means that nearly every item that I sell cannot be sold at the moment!
So instead of working on improving the user experience of my customers, I’m writing this notice while I wait for it to return.
So what are the alternatives? I’m going to have to change provider because this obviously cannot happen again. Infusionsoft? The new Office Autopilot? (What’s it called)
Let me know what you recommend!
And of course,
Source: http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/1shoppingcart.com.html
Update From 1Shoppingcart
They are trying to to resolve the issue but apparently no idea why their entire network is down.
Update 2: It’s back up
And at 8:47pm the site was back online. I’m still working through the numbers to estimate the losses but I should probably concentrate on creating more profit instead of focusing on the losses!
Update 3: BACK DOWN
Ahhh what a surprise. 1shoppingcart is back DOWN again 3 days later (April 2nd, 3:00pm EST) and once again, every customer is affected. No transactions can go through which means our entire business is halted. TIME TO SWITCH AWAY FROM THIS P.O.S. service!